Class Evaluation
Some things that I like about this class was doing our life planning goals and coding, I enjoyed these things a lot because they're were thing in class that I thought were fun. Writing life planning goals allowed me to be in touch with my thoughts and really set out a guideline or path that I want to achieve, and coding allowed me to see how certain things were made on the internet and the little coding games were fun because I use to think coding was hard and boring but it was quite fun.
Some things that I did not like about the class were having to write post about ways to better my life and so on, I did not like that because I personally do not think those are suited for everyone, of course there were some things that were obvious but there were some I felt did not apply to everyone. Everyone is entitled to live their life how they want they shouldn't have certain ways or guidelines on how to act in order to be happy.
Some recommendations for improving the class are maybe allowing us more to engage with writing our own freelance post.
A highlight for me in this class was probably learning how to code, it was something that I never looked into let alone have an interest in and in this class we were tasked to practice coding and I really like it.
I do not think that I did do my best in class, there is always more you can do to be at your best. I've never been satisfied. But there was more that I could've done to improve and I hope that next year I do show what more I could've done.
No, I am not reading and writing in my Life Planning Journal for at least five minutes daily, I will change this though because I think the concept of having a life planning journal is important and beneficial because it allows you to really think hard about certain things, it motivates you to want more in life and it allows you to express thought and feelings.
I am committed to being a CTR person and constantly seek Personal Development, I strongly believe that being a CTR person is something that everyone should consider and it separates a lot of people. Being a CTR person you always do what's right in your heart and you never let yourself be manipulated.
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