
Showing posts from September, 2017
The Six Attitudes of High Achievers    John R. Noe  High Achievers... Make no small plans: PLAN BIG  It is important to always reach for the stars and aim high. With anything you do in life it is important that you go big or go home. Planning big is better than planning small because it allows you tackle down more things that will guide you to success rather than planning small and just letting things happen as they may because you didn't plan or have things not work out how you expected because you weren't prepared enough to expect twist and turns. So it is crucial to prepare and plan big because you are able to knock down uncertain events that might affect your plans. One way that I can use this new attitude is through writing down my plans and planning more effectively and more broad so that I can be prepared more. " Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan," Tom Landry. Do wha...
9/11 Memorial  When 9/11 happened I was only one year old, still a baby and not aware of the devastation that had occurred that day in New York. Growing up I was taught in school more about 9/11 and how it was an event in America that will forever be a remembrance of 3,000 people that lost their lives due to terrorist attacks. It is heart-breaking and troubling to understand and wrap your head around what happened on September 11,2001 but it serves to know that evil did live that day and justice was served years later. It is important to always remember 9/11 and pay tribute to those who lost their lives.