
Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation  Some things that I liked about this class were our life planning goals and the life skills we would write about. These were my top two favorite things in this class because it allowed me to learn ways to better my character. And my life planning goals journal helped me set goals for myself.  Things that I did not life about this class was probably the routine we did it was always boring except for when we did surprise things.  Some recommendations for the class to improve would be to switch up how things are, that being like add new skills and do more computer stuff rather than typing about good qualities and such things. Yes, I do actually, they help me motivate myself to be good and accomplish my goals. I know for a hard fact that even after I graduate, through college and in in my later years of life my life planning goals journal will still have a huge impact on my life. I am committed to being a CTR person 24/7 because its beneficial to my l...
Note Taking Software Applications  Ever Note Zoho Office Suite Microsoft One Note Simple Notes Notes 
Educational Softwares 3D Indiana Software This software serves a huge educational purpose, it allows students and to people in the medical field to study the human body anatmony in 3D and full effect. It allows people to see through the body in all its aspects and depths of the muscle, skeletal, and nervous systems.
Gordon Moore  Gordon Moore is a American businessman and the co-founder and chairman of Intel Corporation. He was born on January 3, 1939. He was born in   San Francisco, California .  He is currently alive and has a spouse named Betty Moore. He studied at the University of California. In 1954 he received a PhD in chemistry and physics from California Institute of Technology. Moore joined the Applied Physics Laboratory where he examined the chemistry of rocket propellants in antiaircraft missiles. Moore realized that private industry would offer more exciting research with a big reward. Moore was fascinated by the transistor but didn't like the Shockley's management and he switched over to Intel company. In this company they work directly on the production on magnetic oxide semiconductor chips. This chip became Intel's big success. This chip is used in many computers today. These chips can make a high end desktops, tablets, and laptops. His net worth is 9.6 bill...
10 Qualities of a Total Winner  Quality 1:   Positive Self-Expectancy  "Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."    One of the qualities of being a total winner is positive self expectancy. Having that positive optimism in everything you do. Also having the thought of success in your mind. Never going into something and thinking that you are going to fail. Having the mindset that you will win no matter what it takes. Positive self expectancy is also a self fulfilling prophecy. This means that everything you do you have to make it your legacy. One way to implement this to my life is by always expecting to win. Also by having that drive to work hard to reach success. One person that comes to mind when talking about winning is Micheal Jordan. He went to the finals six times as a Bull and won the championship all six times. To me he is the definition of positive self expectancy. He was know as the goat Greatest Of...
Ten Tips for Being More Truthful Ten Tips for Being More Truthful Make a commitment to tell the truth. Tell someone about your commitment. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it. Don't indulge in little white lies. Watch out for silent lies. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse. Talk to yourself. Treat yourself when you tell the truth. All the tips benefit me by always telling the truth. They benefit me by being committed to telling the truth. You also need to think before you are dishonest, by doing this will help you tell the truth. While using figurative language be sure to make the other person that you are being sarcastic. Never leave anything about the truth out  because it is basically lying. Do not tell little fibs or you will get caught because the truth alw...
PYRIMID OF SUCCESS REFLECTION   In doing all the pyramid of success trait i have realized that all of these traits benefit my whole life. By being industrious and working hard to become the best in that area.  Having enthusiasm with a positive attitude  everyday will bring successful and friends because everyone wants to be around you. Going back to friends, you need to have friendships that will last and that are good ones not toxic ones. Loyalty is my favorite quality because it shows that you are willing and able to anything that someone brings to you. Working together and giving everyone a say on what to do. To complete any of these goals you need to have ambition to start and finish something. Self control is a great quality because it helps you control your self on whats good or bad to do. Being aware of surrounding and whats going on in your community and in others life that are around you. Having the initiative to do something like starting a company or busin...